Monday, February 2, 2009

February 2, 2009

Today, I thought a great deal about my father. It's was two months ago today that he passed, and I have been filled with many emotions throughout the day.

In his passing, I have been left with many unsanswered questions. What life lesson will I learn in all of this? Perhaps the greatest lesson of never letting a day go by without my loved one's knowing how I feel about them.

I find peace and solace in the knowledge that tomorrow is a new day for me, that I am alive and I am loved. With that knowledge, each new day is a new beginning for me. A blank canvas that is in front of me, waiting for me to gently and carefully sketch a picture of my life upon it. I watch in excitement as I take brush in hand, and dip it into the colors. I hear the gentle sound as the brush softly caresses the canvas. My once blank canvas suddenly takes on a new dimension with the added color, reminding me that it's through those that I love, friends found and lost, strangers that I meet, challenges along the way - each and every path that crosses with all adds something to my life's painting.